
The sound of the alarm woke me up; it was 4 am. I got up and went to the balcony. was 4 am. I got up and went to the balcony.

From there, our village looked very beautiful, with greenery all around, some half-built houses, and the rays of the sun... After standing in the balcony for a while, I went to the washroom for my daily routine and took a shower.

Now it's 5:10 am, my gym time.

Author's view:

After coming from the gym, Raghav went to take a bath again. After bathing, he just wore trousers, his upper body bare, flexing his 8-pack abs.

Then there was a knock on his door; it was Ramu Kaka, who was standing with his protein shake and diet salad. Raghav took them and went inside.

Now it's 7:30 am, "Raghav was getting ready and was in deep thought.

Raghav's view


Raghav while returning to his room with his breakfast when Ramu Kaka told him that Badi Malkin and Hukum had called him downstairs.

After breakfast, Raghav went downstairs and touched the feet of Badi Malkin and Hukum, "Khamaghaani Mata Shri, Pita Shri."

"Khamaghaani Raghav," Bade Hukum said.

"Stay happy, Raghav, and soon give us good news as well," Badi Malkin said with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"If you say, we can give  the good news together to our children a younger sibling, and you just take the medicine to extract the milk from your boobi at night," Bade Hukum whisper mischievously to Badi Malkin.

"What are you both talking about?" Raghav asked suspiciously.

Badi Malkin said, "Raghav, your coronation(Rajyaabhishek )is in a week, and you know that a coronation cannot happen without a wife, and the people will only accept their new leader with his partner."

"So what do you all want?"

"We all want you to get married within this week, and we've already selected a girl."

And who is the girl?" Raghav asked curiously.

Badi Malkin replied, "The girl is Hena, the daughter of Sarpanch of  other village, and she is also a good friend of Riya (Raghav's sister).

"Raghav, furiously, said, "I will never marry that girl, even if she is the last one in the earth"

"But Raghav, what's wrong with her? She is beautiful, and her body is well-formed. You will also enjoy her Company in bed as well.So why are you refusing?" Bade Thakur asked angrily this time.

Grinding his teeth, Raghav said, "Not everyone seeks physical comfort all the time, and I will find a girl for myself."

"But bhai, how will you find one in a week? And Hena loves you too," Riya asked with tears in her eyes.

Raghav stood up angrily and said, "If you like her so much, you marry her yourself," and he went into his room.

After entering his room, Raghav put on a dhoti and kurta, wore a Rolex watch, applied his favorite Bellavita perfume, and finally wore mojari and combed his hair.

He was looking damn hot. After getting ready, he left for the school function.

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I'm student as well as learner ,I write not because of free time it's bcs I like writing and also I need financial support

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